Thinklabs LLC

6500 S Quebec Street Suite 210, 80111 Centennial, CO
Telephone +1 303 5253458

Product Categories

Product categories

01 Electromedical Equipment / Medical Technology
01.01 Diagnostics
01.01.01 Equipment for audiological diagnostics

Equipment for audiological diagnostics

Thinklabs One Digital Stethoscope

Our products

Product category: Equipment for audiological diagnostics
Thinklabs One Digital Stethoscope
The smallest, clearest sounding stethoscope in the world
Dimensions: 46mm x 28 mm
Weight: 50g

The loudest stethoscope in the world…Amplifies more than 100x
Hear patients who are difficult to auscultate.
Hear in loud, chaotic environments, like the ER, or in the back of an ambulance.
Hear heart, lung, or blood pressure sounds clearly through the patients’ clothes.
With fully adjustable volume, you can just turn it up!

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About Us

Company details
Thinklabs was founded in 1991 by Clive Smith, an Electrical Engineering graduate of Caltech. The name implies the company’s goal – think deeply about problems that matter and develop imaginative solutions. Smith has always had a passion for medical electronics, sound, music and signal processing.

The Digital Stethoscope
In the mid 90’s, Smith read a paper in Circulation indicating that stethoscope acoustics had essentially not improved since Laennec built the first stethoscope in 1816. Physicians confirmed that even top-of-the-line conventional stethoscopes did a poor job of amplifying heart and lung sounds. Thus began Smith’s obsession to re-invent the stethoscope.

Thinklabs One – Never Stop Inventing
The Thinklabs One marks another paradigm shift in stethoscope design – a bold move to eliminate the hollow tube styling that pre-dates The American Civil War. It represents a belief that the time has come for the familiar icon of medicine to be retired to the museum. The Thinklabs One was entirely conceived, designed and engineered by Clive Smith – a perfectionist’s pursuit of perfection.

The Question
The concept of an electronic stethoscope was not new. For a century, the road to perfect auscultation was littered with the carcasses of failed efforts. Smith started experimenting. Technologies were tested, rejected, modified and retested. The key breakthrough came with a question: How can one create an electrical analog to the acoustic pressure changes in a conventional stethoscope?
All the benefits of advanced electronic techonology would then accrue and the authentic sound of the stethoscope would be preserved. Physicians would not require any ear retraining. A completely new transducer was needed.

The Breakthrough
Smith found that he could detect the vibration of a stethoscope diaphgragm using a high intensity electric field – almost 1 million Volts per meter! The result – The Electromagnetic Diaphragm that is key to the audio quality of every Thinklabs stethoscope. Smith spent another 7 years perfecting the product. The ds32 was released in late 2003, becoming the choice of a loyal community of users.

Thinklabs One – Never Stop Inventing
The Thinklabs One marks another paradigm shift in stethoscope design – a bold move to eliminate the hollow tube styling that pre-dates The American Civil War. It represents a belief that the time has come for the familiar icon of medicine to be retired to the museum. The Thinklabs One was entirely conceived, designed and engineered by Clive Smith – a perfectionist’s pursuit of perfection.

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