731-1 Unane, Takatsu-ku, 213-8588 Kawasaki, Kanagawa
Telephone +81 44 8119211
Fax +81 44 8119249

Product Categories

Product categories

03 Diagnostic Tests
03.01 Clinical chemistry
03.01.04 Rapid tests in clinical chemistry

Rapid tests in clinical chemistry

Our products

Product category: Rapid tests in clinical chemistry

♦ Features
♦ Measurement parameters: Na+, K+, Ca++, pH
♦ Measurement sample: Whole blood, Plasma, Serum, Diluted Urine, Hemo-Dialysis solution A(Acid concentrates), Solution B(Bicarbonate), Solution A+B Balanced,
♦ Measurement speed: 60 samples/hour
♦ Temperature control(37℃ all the time for obtaining very accurate pH and pH corrected Ca result.
♦ Bar code reader is option.

Product category: Rapid tests in clinical chemistry
Specification of ESR analyzer
Smart Rate 10/20/40
♦ Westerngren method
♦ Number of channels for sample
Smart Rate 10: 10 channels
Smart Rate 20: 20 channels
Smart Rate 40: 40 channels

♦ Measurement speed: selectable from 15min, 30min, 45min(*), 60min
15 min working time [30min(*) / 1hr value]
30 min working time [30min / 1hr value]
45 min working time(*) [30min / 1hr / 2hrs value]
1 hr working time [30min / 1hr / 2hrs value]
Multiple values are selecatable for each working time.
(*) Available in early 2018

♦ Display: Touch panel color LCD and 16 enter keys
♦ Barcode reader is built in
♦ Printer and manual scale are optional
♦ Automatic temperature correction 18℃ (according to Manley)
♦ Irradiated vacuum tube “Smart Sed” need to be applied
♦ Sedimentation curve graph will be on display and printing
♦ Weight: approx. 3kg
♦ Dimension: approx. 252✕234✕219 mm
♦ Sample data saving: 2015 sample datas
♦ Interface: RS232C, USB
♦ CE certificate: available in early 2018

Product category: Rapid tests in clinical chemistry
Ultra Rapid Dual Tissue Processor

♦ Features
♦ Only 80 minutes tissue processing time is required from fixation to paraffin infiltration
♦ Dual Processing Automation enables rapid and over-night processing in one system, more flexible workflow
♦ Ultra Rapid Processing embeds 100 specimens/batch in 80 minutes for same day diagnostics
♦ Reagents Available: Pre-package and Ready-to-load reagents available

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About Us

Company details

Start of Business June 14, 1947

Foundation December 9, 1948

Capital 100,000,000JPY

Number of Employees 218

Business Line 1) R&D, production and sales of medical analysis apparatus
2) R&D, production and sales of in vitro diagnostic kits
3) R&D, production and sales of software
4) Sales of medical apparatus such as X-ray equipment
5) Sales of medical consumables such as X-ray films
6) Import and export of medical apparatus, scientific apparatus and in vitro diagnostic kits
7) R&D, production and sales of high pressure homogenizers

Directors and Auditor
Representative Director and Chairman Takehiko Hattori
President and Representative Director Naohiko Hattori
Director Hideki Hanyu

General Auditor Yoshimasa Narita

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