Japan Institute for the Control of Aging (JaICA), Nikken SEIL Co., Ltd.

710-1, Haruoka, Fukuroi-shi, 437-0122 Shizuoka
Telephone +81 538 49 0125
Fax +81 538 49 1267

Product Categories

Product categories

03 Diagnostic Tests
03.02 Immunochemistry testing, immunology testing
03.02.01 Immuno assay testing

Immuno assay testing

8-hydroxy-2′-deoxyguanosine (8-OHdG)
Dityrosine (DT) ELISA
Test kit for Potential Anti Oxidant (PAO)
Trace Elements Colorimetric Assay
Hexanoyl-Lysine Adduct (HEL) ELISA
Free Radical Evaluator System FREE DUO

Our products

Product category: Immuno assay testing
8-hydroxy-2′-deoxyguanosine (8-OHdG)
8-hydroxy-2′-deoxyguanosine (8-OHdG) is a product of oxidatively damaged DNA formed by hydroxy radical, singlet oxygen and direct photodynamic action. 8-OHdG can be detected in tissue, serum, urine and other biomaterials. New 8-OHdG Check is a competitive enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA) utilising monoclonal antibody (clone N45.1) which is highly specific for DNA damage, not cross react with RNA oxidation products such as 8-hydroxy-guanine and 8-hydroxy-guanosine. This product is suitable for detection of 8-OHdG in urine and other biomaterials from human and animals.

This product is a 8-OHdG ELISA kit utilizing anti 8-OHdG monoclonal antibody (clone N45.1) which is highly specific for 8-OHdG. We provide two types of 8-OHdG ELISA kits with different assay range. New 8-OHdG Check ELISA is suitable for urine and serum sample from animal and human. If you are planning to measure 8-OHdG in human serum,tissue, cultured cells, we recommend to use ‘Highly Sensitive 8-OHdG Check ELISA’.

Product category: Immuno assay testing
Dityrosine (DT) ELISA
Tyrosine is one of the major targets of protein oxidation, and until today various tyrosine derivatives such as nitrotyrosine, dityrosine and halogenated tyrosine depending on the type of free radicals. DT is a tyrosine dimer derived from tyrosyl radicals which is formed by reactive oxygen species (ROS), metal-catalyzed oxidation, ultraviolet irradiation, and peroxidases. DT have been found in atherosclerotic lesions, and lipofuscin of pyramidal neurons of aged human brains. Dityrosine is one of the specific biomarkers for protein oxidation.

Recently, dityrosine is reported to exist also in urine samples. It is expected that DT may be a novel protein oxdation marker, which is non-invasively detectable. DT ELISA kit is designed for quantitative measurement of DT especially in urine samples.

Product category: Immuno assay testing
Test kit for Potential Anti Oxidant (PAO)
Oxidative stress plays on important role in various diseases and aging. The control of oxidative stress is expected to be useful to prevent diseases and aging.Oxidative stress is caused by the imbalance between reactive oxygen species (ROS) and antioxidant defense system. For accurate assessment of oxidative stress, measurement of ROS, oxidative damage and antioxidant activity may be essential. Recently, antioxidants as functional foods which scavenge ROS attract a great deal of attention.

In the PAO assay kit, an easy and convenient method to measure antioxidant capacity is provided. Utilizing the reduction of cupric ion (Cu++ to Cu+), antioxidant capacity of samples can be detected in 5 minutes. Samples are mixed with Cu++ Solution. Cu++ are reduced by antioxidants to form Cu+. Reduced Cu+ react with Chromatic Solution (Bathocuproine) , and can be detected by absorbance at wavelength 480 to 490 nm. Antioxidant capacity can be calculated from the Cu+ formed. PAO can detect not only hydrophilic antioxidants such as Vitamin C, glutathione, but also can detect hydrophobic antioxidants such as Vitamin E. Applicable for assessment of total antioxidants of serum, foods and beverage samples.

Product category: Immuno assay testing
Trace Elements Colorimetric Assay
Ready-to-use assay kits to determine the quantity of functional signal molecule such as trace elements and electrolytes in biological samples. Varuery of samples such as serum, plasma, urine, saliva, cell lysate, tissue extract, hair extract, plant extract, food extract and environmental water can be applied. Using our kit with 96-well plate reader enable you to do high-through put assay at your own laboratory.

Product category: Immuno assay testing
Hexanoyl-Lysine Adduct (HEL) ELISA
Biomarker for early stage of lipid oxidation
Oxidative damage of lipids caused by reactive oxygen species (ROS) play an important role in some diseases, lesion of cell functions and aging. Aldehydes such as malondi-aldehyde (MDA) and 4-hydroxy-2-nonenal (4-HNE) have been reported as one of the advanced lipid peroxidation products. But recently in the earlier stage of lipid peroxidation, 13-hydroperoxyoctadecanoic acid (13-HPODE) is found to be covalently bound to proteins1). Hexanoyl-Lysine adduct (HEL) is a novel lipid hydroperoxide-modified lysine residues. HEL is formed by oxidative modification by oxidized omega-6 fatty acids such as linoleic acid or arachidonic acid. HEL may be a useful biomarker for initial stage of lipid peroxidation.Monoclonal antibodies and ELISA kit have been developped, and HEL can be detected in oxidatively modified LDL, in human atherosclerotic lesions, human urine and serum. It is also reported that HEL is formed in rat muscle during exercise, and the formation is prohibited by antioxidants such as flavonoids.

JaICA have developed HEL ELISA kit in collaboration with Dr. Toshihiko Osawa (Nagoya University) and Dr. Yoji Kato (Univerisity of Hyogo). This ELISA kit can be applied to urine, serum and cultured cells form human and animal.

Product category: Immuno assay testing
Free Radical Evaluator System FREE DUO
FREE (Free Radical Elective Evaluator) photometer is designed in an easy-to-use, reliable and flexible way in order to allow researchers and professionals to carry out the evaluation of oxidative stress inside living bodies. The small size and the functionality of the design mean that FREE systems can easily be used in any context such as a laboratory.

FREE DUO is the latest instrument developed by Diacron International. It has been specifically designed for the assessment of oxidative stress and performs the Panel Carratelli tests rapidly and effortlessly. The simplicity of FREE DUO derives from the presence of an interactive guide that offers professionals step by step assistance in the execution of analyses which can now be carried out even faster thanks to the dual reading cell. It is, in fact, possible to perform two analyses simultaneously – for example the d-ROMs Test (oxidation status) and the BAP Test (antioxidant status).This product is FOR RESEARCH USE ONLY.

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About Us

Company details
The Japan Institute for the Control of Aging has conducted research into control of aging since its foundation under the
doctrine of contributing health promotion. As a result, the institute succeeded in developing a DNA oxidative damage
measuring kit, thus taking the lead for this field.
The institute now sells many products related to oxidative stress, and such products are utilized in the fields of medicine,
pharmacy, biochemistry, food sciences, etc. The institute also performs assay services utilizing its unique technologies.
Preventive medicine and anti-aging are receiving increased attention with the advancement of aging society. In these
areas, our Institute will contribute to realizing a healthy, long-lived society by developing and supplying research

Company data


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