Stengårds Alle 31A, 2800 Lyngby
Telephone +45 61 666619
About Us
Company details
Biomodics is an independent Danish service and technology provider to the life science industry. With a background in the NKT technology cluster Biomodics ApS was founded in 2010 and holds the patent
portfolio for supercritical CO2, interpenetrating polymer networks and drug delivery.
Biomodics’ core technologies and services include; supercriticial fluid processing, functional surfaces and materials for drug delivery, biological nano-sensing and characterization.
Biomodics is actively developing the future medical devices for the health care sector. This focus includes proprietary technology within hybrid polymers and medical devices.
Biomodics has repeatedly been acknowledged in events such as the Eurecan European Venture Contest where an international jury selected Biomodics as the overall winner.
Biomodics started as a spinout from the large Danish technology company NKT in 2009. The company has built up a strong patent portfolio of new material technologies and applications based on CO2 technology.
Another focus area for the company is the development of innovative drug delivery solutions.
Biomodics specialises in processing using supercritical CO2 such as purification, extraction and sterilization.
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