Via A. Manuzio, 15, 41037 Mirandola (MO)
Telephone +39 0535 25755
Fax +39 0535 25509

Product Categories

Product categories

05 Commodities and Consumer Goods
05.15 Wound care equipment
05.15.07 Wound covering / skin substitutes

Wound covering / skin substitutes
Our products

Product category: Wound covering / skin substitutes
It allows a painless and easy routine screening of the endometrium avoiding dilatation and traction of the uterus neck. An outer sheath covers a mandrel with asimmetrical “V” shaped blades on the top. The protrusions placed on the blades allow an accurate and atraumatic sampling of endometrial cells.

Product category: Wound covering / skin substitutes
For transabdominal sampling of amniotic fluid (usually performed between the 15th and 18th pregnancy week) for prenatal diagnosis of genetic disorders of the foetus. It is also used for cytogenetic and biochemical studies. The mandrel is provided with an ultrasound detectable tip allowing an echo-guided insertion. The needle is provided with an adjustable stopper to determine insertion depth, and with a luer lock connector to collect the amniotic fluid through a syringe. AMNIOCENT is available in 4 different sizes.

Product category: Wound covering / skin substitutes
For the treatment of vaginal bleeding after vaginal surgery or following traumatism.
Vagistop is a substitute of the traditional vaginal tamponade with gauzes making the procedure non-invasive, atraumatic and painless for the patient.
Once inflated until adhering to vaginal walls, Vagistop maintains an internal pressure of about 50 mmHg.
Vagistop does not absorb blood so it is easier to observe any persistent bleeding.
The device is equipped with medium size balloon tested to be inflated up to 250 ml of air.
It is recommended to use a standard 20 ml syringe.

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About Us

Company details
RI.MOS was founded in 1988 as a manufacturer of sterile, single use medical devices. In 1994 RI.MOS took over RAM,a company founded in 1985 from the same associates and manufacturing mesotherapy multiinjectors and gynecological products. In April 2000, RI.MOS took over PAIS, a company specialized in the design and manufacturing of devices and reusable needles for medical and veterinary purposes.

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RGF diagnostics S.r.l.
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Resilia s.r.l. Westlake Global Compounds
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Richen Europe S.R.L.
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Rimsa P. Longoni S.r.l.
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